
Osteopaths focus on your neuro-musculoskeletal system - the bones, muscles, nerves and other tissues that support your body and control its movements. Osteopaths provide musculoskeletal and nervous system assessments, manual therapy; clinical exercise programs; and movement, postural, positioning advice and ergonomic assessments. osteopath also offer ongoing support and educational advice about your lifestyle, stress management, diet or other factors that may influence your pain, injury or movement.

Osteopath - Lachlan McDonald

Our Osteopath Lachlan provides remedial massage, dry needling, cupping and manipulative treatments. In addition to his Osteopathic qualification, Lachlan is also an ASCA accredited strength and conditioning coach.

Lachlan’s key interest areas include:

  • Exercise rehabilitation and prescription

  • Designing individualised rehabilitation and strength & conditioning programs

  • Hands-on techniques such as soft tissue massage, articulation, MET, HVLA, dry needling and myofascial cupping


  • Bachelor of Health Science / Bachelor of Applied Science (Osteopathy)

    RMIT University

  • Myofascial Dry Needling & Cupping

    Manual Medicine Australasia

  • Strength & Conditioning Certification Level 1

    Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA)